It's IMPORTANT you read this entire page
to discover your next steps
It's IMPORTANT you read this entire page to discover your next steps
5 Day Money
Manifesting Challenge
Mon 18th-Fri 22nd Sept
5 Day Money Manifesting Challenge
Mon 18th - Fri 22nd Sept
Congratulations! You are officially in the Money Manifesting Challenge.
This is going to be 5 exciting days where you will begin to change on many levels,
so you can start attracting more money into you life!
I've sent you an email which outlines a few steps I invite you to take to get the most out of the challenge. You'll also get an email BEFORE we kick off and also each day letting you know of any exciting updates or bonuses during the challenge.
*NOTE the challenge consists of VIDEOS that will be released each morning and then we'll let you know which
days/times we'll have the LIVE Q&A calls (and replays will be available)

If you don't get your email in the next 15 mins, email and my team will make sure to get it to you.

Make sure you join our special private Facebook Group NOW,
where we'll have daily updates and announce the daily prizes
*VIP Manifesting Bundle*
Instant Access

Maximize your manifesting experience by upgrading to the VIP manifesting bundle. I know you'll get so much our of our 5 Day Challenge, but for those if you are ready to deepen your results and support your manifesting efforts even further why not upgrade to the VIP Manifesting Upgrade.  You'll instantly receive:
Money Manifesting Meditation 
Dive deeper into this transformative experience with our exclusively created Money Manifesting Meditation to support and enhance your results before, during and after the challenge. This guided meditation calms your mind, re-wires your subconscious and instills a powerful belief in your ability to attract prosperity. The ethereal tones help shed limiting beliefs and allow you to step into your power and emerge with a mindset primed for prosperity.  I recommend you listen to this on a daily basis for the next 30 days and be ready for your own money miracle!
Affirmations for Abundance
Words are powerful and carry a vibration which can affect your destiny. In this special creation, each affirmation is a whispered secret from the Universe, designed to resonate with your soul’s deepest desire for prosperity. Infuse your spirit, transform your money mindset, and dance with the divine to claim the abundance awaiting you.  These are perfect to listen to as you go off to sleep to reprogram your subconscious, or as you are at the gym or driving the car or walking along the beach.  Anytime when you don't have to really focus and can use that time to begin transforming your money mindset.
*VIP Manifesting Bundle*
Valued at over $97 yours for ONLY $11